How to Join Friendster

These are the instructions :
  1. Visit the Friendster Web site (see Resources below) and click the "Sign Up Now!" link to join.

  2. Enter the information Friendster asks for, like your first and last name, gender and contact information. You'll also have to create your password here. Click "Register" when you've completed the form on the page.

  3. Invite friends and family to join Friendster via email by importing their addresses from your email account. On the next page, you'll see a list of common email providers (like Yahoo, Hotmail, and AOL). Click on the link for your provider to select the addresses you want to import.

  4. Input the email addresses of people you want to invite to join Friendster manually. Enter their addresses into the boxes provided on the page. You can also add a customized message to your invitations.

  5. Click the "Invite" button or the "Continue" link to proceed without inviting anyone.

  6. Add a photo to your profile by clicking the 'Browse' button on the next page. This will allow you to search your computer's files for a picture you want other Friendster users to see. Afterwards, you can add a caption to the photo in the provided box.

  7. Click the 'Upload' button and the photo and caption will be added to your profile.

  8. Make your profile available for other Friendster users to see by verifying your email address. To do this, open the email that Friendster will send to your inbox and click the "Verify Email" button. You'll be taken to your profile.

Tips & Warnings
  • When selecting a password, make sure to choose something with both letters and numbers to make it difficult to guess. Don't pick one so difficult that you can't remember it.
  • If you have any questions about the many features that Friendster provides, feel free to check their FAQ's (see Resources below).
  • Identity theft is a real concern over the Internet. Be cautious with what personal information you share on your profile.
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