How to Create a MySpace Account

MySpace is a Web Site that allows users to create private online communities. Using MySpace, you can connect with friends and acquaintances, meet new people, share photos and music and maintain journals. To get started, you'll need to create a MySpace account, a fairly easy process, even for the computer challenged. Follow these steps to find out how.

Sign up for a Free MySpace Account
  1. Visit the MySpace home page and click the "Sign Up!" button (see Resources below).
  2. Type your email address, first and last name, password and confirmation password into the provided fields.
  3. Use the drop-down box to select your country and type your postal code into the "Postal Code" form field.
  4. Click the button that corresponds with your gender.
  5. Select the month, day and year of your birth date from the "Date of Birth" drop-down boxes.
  6. Decide whether or not to allow others to see your birth date and check or un-check the corresponding box to indicate your choice.
  7. Use the "Preferred Site & Language" drop-down box to select the country and language you prefer for your MySpace profile.
  8. Click the check box to indicate that you agree to the MySpace privacy policy and terms of service. Click the "Sign Up!" button to complete your registration.
  9. Verify the creation of your new MySpace account by entering the text, from the image presented to you, into the provided field. Click the "Continue To My Account" button.
  10. Visit the "Frequently Asked Questions" page for more help if you have trouble creating a new MySpace account (see Resources below).

Upload a Photo to Your new MySpace Account

  1. Click the "Browse..." button on the "Upload Photo" form to find a photo to include in your new Myspace account.
  2. Choose your photo from the window that pops up and click the "Upload" button.

Invite Friends to Join You in Your New MySpace Community
  1. Type the email addresses of the friends you wish to invite to your MySpace community into the provided form field. Separate each email address with a comma.
  2. Click the "Invite" button to invite your friends to connect with you.

Tips & Warnings
  • Keep in mind that your MySpace profile is available to the public. If you want to make it private, you may do so by changing your account settings.
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How to Join Friendster

These are the instructions :
  1. Visit the Friendster Web site (see Resources below) and click the "Sign Up Now!" link to join.

  2. Enter the information Friendster asks for, like your first and last name, gender and contact information. You'll also have to create your password here. Click "Register" when you've completed the form on the page.

  3. Invite friends and family to join Friendster via email by importing their addresses from your email account. On the next page, you'll see a list of common email providers (like Yahoo, Hotmail, and AOL). Click on the link for your provider to select the addresses you want to import.

  4. Input the email addresses of people you want to invite to join Friendster manually. Enter their addresses into the boxes provided on the page. You can also add a customized message to your invitations.

  5. Click the "Invite" button or the "Continue" link to proceed without inviting anyone.

  6. Add a photo to your profile by clicking the 'Browse' button on the next page. This will allow you to search your computer's files for a picture you want other Friendster users to see. Afterwards, you can add a caption to the photo in the provided box.

  7. Click the 'Upload' button and the photo and caption will be added to your profile.

  8. Make your profile available for other Friendster users to see by verifying your email address. To do this, open the email that Friendster will send to your inbox and click the "Verify Email" button. You'll be taken to your profile.

Tips & Warnings
  • When selecting a password, make sure to choose something with both letters and numbers to make it difficult to guess. Don't pick one so difficult that you can't remember it.
  • If you have any questions about the many features that Friendster provides, feel free to check their FAQ's (see Resources below).
  • Identity theft is a real concern over the Internet. Be cautious with what personal information you share on your profile.
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How to Create a Hi5 Account

There are the Instructions :
  1. Find the Hi5 homepage. In the upper right corner you will see a "Join" link. Click on it to start setting up your account.

  2. Put in your name, e-mail address and password. The site asks for your full name and the password is required to be at least five characters.

  3. Provide basic information for your profile. Hi5 asks for your birth date, gender, country and zip code. This information appears on your profile as gender, age and location.

  4. Agree to the Hi5 terms of service and privacy policy. These agreements outline any restrictions on the Hi5 social networking system. The privacy policy lets you know that the site does not release your information to a third party.

  5. Upload a photo of yourself. You have the option of placing a photo on your Hi5 profile. You can skip this option.

  6. Edit your profile. After you create your account, you can edit your profile and photo at anytime.

Tips & Warnings
  • While creating your profile, you can check your MSN address book for other Hi5 users. You must give the site your MSN username and password to do this.
  • Once you create your account, you'll be sent to a page that allows you to invite your friends to join Hi5.
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How To Sign Up for Facebook

  1. Visit Facebook and click on "Register" to get started. Before you sign up, you can "Take the Tour" or look for friends (see Resources below).
  2. Fill in your name, email address and birthday. You will also be asked to select if you're in college, at a company, in high school or none of those. What you select will determine your main network.
  3. Check your email. A confirmation will arrive with a link to confirm your email. If you don't see it right away, check you spam or junk mail folder.

Join a Network

  1. Log in to Facebook with your email address and password. On your first log in, you will land on a page with directions for joining a network.
  2. Join a regional network. Under "Join a Regional Network," type in your city and state. The box should auto-complete your entry. Facebook will let you know the network closest to you. Select the radio button next to the region you want to join.
  3. Connect with co-workers and classmates. You must enter a verifiable email address from an approved company or school to join the corresponding network (see Resources below).
  4. Set up your profile and look for friends. Once you have joined Facebook, you can start adding friends and coworkers. Fill in as much detail as possible on your profile so people can find you easily.

Tips & Warnings
  • Verify your account to avoid constant security checks. On your homepage after login, just enter your mobile number in the correct box and hit "Confirm." A code will be sent to your cell phone as a text message. Return to Facebook with that code to verify your identity.
  • If you run into problems registering, visit the Facebook Help section (see Resources below).
  • If you want to keep your profile as private as possible, avoid joining a regional network, which is open to anyone.
  • Choose a password with a combination of numbers and letters. Your Facebook account holds a lot of personal information about you, so you don't want your password to be easy to guess.
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How to Sign up for a Twitter Account

Twitter is a social networking/blogging site that allows you to update your personal blog and communicate with your online friends via 140-maximum character messages, or "tweets," that describe your current status. Whether you are reading something online, or boarding a plane, Twitter is a great way to keep in touch.

These are the Instructions :
  1. Go to The Twitter homepage and scroll all the way to the bottom. Click on the "Get Started" button.

  2. Create a username and password. Twitter will automatically check the availability of your username. Once you find one that is unique, enter your email address and continue.

  3. After you create your account, you can manually see if any of your e-mail contacts are on Twitter. Just enter your e-mail username and password, and twitter will automatically import anyone it recognizes.

  4. Invite friends. Any emails Twitter didn't recognize, it will display on the next page. You will be able to check different email addresses to send invites to.

  5. Search for friends. Chances are good that your friends have multiple email addresses, so it is a good idea to enter their name in the search bar and double check.

  6. Set up your phone. The big advantage of Twitter is that you can update via text messages from your phone. Go to the "Devices" tab on your profile page and then enter your cell phone number. A confirmation message will be sent to your phone, and then you'll be able to make your first update.

Tips & Warnings
  • A cell phone is not required to use Twitter.
  • Be careful not to post sensitive information on Twitter such as your address or personal phone number.
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